My professional journey began in the early 2000s. As a young journalism student, I entered the field as a decent writer, but quickly discovered I had a hidden talent in photography as well. The profession was in reasonably good health back then – journalism jobs were everywhere and employers were willing to train. After serving as a college newspaper editor, completing a public affairs internship at the Toronto Police Service, and taking on a summer reporting stint at the Toronto Sun, I graduated in 2009 – optimistic, ambitious, and eager to find my place in the world of newspapers.

But then the Great Recession hit. The job market dried up. Suddenly there was nothing.

As bills began piling up, my wife (then my girlfriend), was also thrown out of work when her union went on strike.

With no employment, we did something radical. We created our own jobs.

Combining our skills, we started a wedding photography business, which we went on to run for seven years. I also went back to school to transfer my skills into the world of corporate communications.

I graduated for a second time in 2010. I managed to hold a few contract jobs in the field, but the economy proved just as stubborn as before.

But then, a small town newspaper in Bracebridge, Ontario offered me a job. I had never been to Muskoka in my life, and I was reluctant to re-enter a profession that had fallen on hard times. But out of desperation, I decided to take a chance.

It was a big risk, but it paid off. In a few short years, I emerged with nine awards at the local, provincial and North American levels, along with a wealth of real-world knowledge and experience many of my city counterparts could only dream of.

From there, I first transitioned to a local arts and culture not-for-profit, and then into the charitable sector back home in Toronto.

So you may be asking yourself, what do all these experiences mean, and why should a hiring manager care? Well, as an applicant, it means I bring:

  • A treasure trove of real-world experience and firsthand, insider knowledge that few corporate communicators in my age group can match, in areas like public administration, education, criminal justice, public safety, arts and culture, government licensing, municipal planning and social services.
  • An award-winning ability to express such complex knowledge clearly, concisely and in a captivating way through words, images and video, all while balancing organizational and public interests.
  • A strong news sense, paired with a knack for obtaining information from both official and unofficial sources, all under the most difficult and challenging circumstances. Also a keen understanding of how to navigate public records and documents.
  • A track record for adapting easily to changing communications, technologies and trends. My skills started in print media, but has grown to include web content management, graphic design, basic HTML, social media management and search engine optimization.
  • A strong background in communicating within both metropolitan and rural settings.
  • A driven, results-oriented attitude towards every assignment and challenge. I began my career in a field where every piece of work I produced literally had my name on it, and the virtue of taking pride in one’s work is one I carry forth to this day.

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For more information on my qualifications and experience, please take the time to explore the rest of my website.